Empire Marketing Board
Reminiscing about teaching documentary film conjured up the Empire Marketing Board. I used to show their first film Drifters by the head of the EMB, John Grierson. It's a silent movie and the students didn't dig. Maybe next time, I'll show this re-imagining with a live soundtrack interpretation.
John Grierson's "Drifters"- an improvised live soundtrack by Paolo Spaccamonti & Ben Chasny "Crossroads" - Cinema Massimo - Torino, Italy, May 11, 2013 Ben Chasny: guitar, vox - Paolo Spaccamonti: guitar, fx http://www.paolospaccamonti.com/ http://www.sixorgans.com/ http://www.museocinema.it/ Drifters (1929) is silent documentary film by John Grierson, his first and only personal film.